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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the structure of the hosting account?

Every customer gets his own password protected username. By logging in
to your username, you are able to gain access to your web storage space
. Every username "owns" a structure of disk subdirectories in the file
system. The "root" of this structure is the "home" directory, found at path "/home/username". Inside the home directory is a subdirectory named
"public_html". You have your own separate "public_html" subdirectory.
Any files placed in "public_html" are visible to remote browsers over the
Internet. As many clients are used to having their main directory referred
to as "www", we have created another directory www. When www is
attempted to be accessed, the directory is automatically redirected to the correct public_html directory. For example, when a browser asks for URL, Apache looks for the file /home/username/public_html/page.html and sends it out.

There are also a range of other files and directories in the home directory. public_ftp. This is your anonymous ftp directory. Users can only download from this directory the files that you place there.
public_ftp/incoming. This is the anonymous user upload area.
_private. This is part of MS Frontpage Extensions. Please do not alter. _vti_*.These are parts of MS Frontpage Extensions. Please do not alter. public_html/cgi-bin. This is your cgi-bin directory. Put all of your own scripts here. This is not the location of the pre-installed scripts.
cpanel. This is your Control Panel. Please do not alter. You may utilise the control panel through: .xfm.This is your part of your Control Panel. Please do not alter. You may utilise the control panel through: .lists. This is your Mailing List information. Please do not alter. You may utilise the control panel through: .mail This is your Mail information. Please do not alter. You may utilise the control panel through:     TOP 

What is the process for transferring a domain name to you and setting up a hosting account once I order?
Upon receiving an order from you we will e-mail you advising that we have received you order. We will then commence setting up your account. The process is as follows:
1. We configure one of our servers to recognise your domain name so that the domain name can be transferred to our server. This can be completed very quickly.
2. If you are transferring a web site you do not want it to be "down" during a transfer, or you may have e-mail addresses that you wish to keep activated. The next step is therefore to establish your web hosting account and load a test page into your web hosting account.
3. We will then e-mail you advising that the web hosting account has been established, and provide you with all your relevant account information including IP address, password, and user name. You can the upload your web site and establish e-mail settings through the Control Panel.
4. We also provide you with instructions for transferring the domain name. These instructions vary depending upon where your domain name is registered. For example, for .com domain names only the existing technical contact (likely to have been the company which registered the domain for you) or administrative contact (which is likely to be you) can transfer a domain. either you can e-mail the technical contact and ask them to make changes, or we can direct you to the exact url you need to go to and the information your require. For other domains, for example, either you can supply us the Domainz authorisation key and we can make the transfer or you may make the transfer. This process ensures as seamless a transition as is possible. Please be aware of web hosting companies that advise they can have an account established in "five minutes" or "less than an hour". That is most likely true, and we could claim that too, however it does take longer for all facets to come together and for the web site to be actually be fully operational.     TOP

I want a new domain name and a hosting account. Once I order, what happens?
We will e-mail you advising that we have received you order. We will then commence setting up your account. The process is as follows:
1. We configure one of our servers to recognise the domain name that you want registered.
2. We will then register the domain name for you.
3. We will establish your web hosting account and upload a test page to ensure the account is working perfectly.
4. We will then provide you with all your relevant account information including the IP address, password, and user name. You can the upload your web site and establish e-mail settings through the Control Panel for your account.   TOP

How do I set up e-mail on the domain?
There are two common methods of establishing e-mail on the domain. The first is to set the default in the control panel under e-mail to the mailbox given to you by your ISP, for example, Then all e-mail sent to e.g. will automatically forward to You can then change the mail identity settings in your e-mail program (e.g. Netscape, Outlook Express, Eudora etc.) to, and use that as your e-mail address. The second method is to set up POP accounts for individual users which you may do in the Control panel under e-mail, POP. Each user can choose their own password, and you can access e-mail from anywhere.                                                                                               TOP

I need to configure my mail reading program so I can access my e-mail's. What are the proper settings?
Assume your domain is
pop = *** Replace username with what the control panel gave you as your login.
from = passwd = was chosen in "pass" field of control panel pop setup                                                                                    TOP

How do I use SSL on a web page or form?
Option 1 - With a Webtechosting or 'safetopay'digital certificate.
If your file is normally then to call up the page through a secure server, the page link must be called
EG. for the domain, using the safetopay secure server and a user name of slim, the page link must be called The "s" in https:// suggests an SSL related file. The orderform.htm file is uploaded into your normal directory.
If the web page you are trying secure is a form, the action the form performs must be a secure action as well Using the safetopay Secure server, the HTML added to the order form would also have to point to the secure severs cgi-bin, otherwise the 'posting' of the orderfrom information would not be secure,E.G.    <form ACTION="" METHOD=POST>        TOP

Where do I put my cgi-bin scripts?
Put them in the subdirectory cgi-bin which should be under your public_html directory. You may then call them through a browser as                                     TOP

What is the correct path to perl and other programs?
perl5: /usr/bin/perl
perl5.003: /usr/bin/perl5.003
perl5.004: /usr/bin/perl5.004
perl5.006: /usr/bin/perl5.006
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail -t
date: /bin/date
java: /usr/bin/java
python: /usr/bin/python
Domain server paths: using example if your domain was
Main dir: /home/fred/public_html/
Cgi-bin: /home/fred/public_html/cgi-bin                       TOP

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